Thursday, November 17, 2011

The Time Has Come

These are dark times indeed. Various foul beasts openly roam the streets. The humans stumble about, drooling on themselves, oblivious to the danger. And these buffoons are the primary source of chicken! I can no longer sit idly by and allow the situation to worsen.

I have attempted in the past to create a dog army, but have failed because most of my canine brethren are weak-minded fools who can't, or won't, follow orders. Recent events have given me a new idea for the creation of my army. I have been contacted by two brave papillons who have pledged their allegiance to me. While an army of dogs may have failed an army of papillons will be unstoppable!

Okay, so their fighting style is a little weak. I am confident with my brilliant training methods that I can mold them into dangerous combat machines. And then there is the issue of their names, Snuggle Bum and Honey Bun. I mean I know it's not like Chloe strikes fear into your heart when you hear it, but then you see me and realize I am one to be reckoned with. I'm not sure they have that same presence. But I think I have a solution to this problem, upon induction into my army I shall assign new recruits code names. For these two I'm thinking Death Bringer and Tony.

And so I shall create the Size: Large Army of Papillon Terror or SLAPT. My minions will soon sweep across the planet, gathering all of the chicken and destroying any that dare oppose us!

Be warned world, you are about to get SLAPT.

1 comment:

  1. Viva la revolution!!! Chicken for all papillons!!

    Hail, Chloe!

    ~Snuggle Bum "Death Bringer" and Honey Bun "Tony"
